American Chemical Society
254th ACS National Meeting
Washington, District of Columbia
August 20-24, 2017
The following summary is provided to help Councilors report to their Local Sections and Divisions on key actions of the ACS Council meeting held August 23, 2017 and the Board of Directors meetings held August 18-19, 2017, at the 2017 ACS fall national meeting in Washington, District of Columbia. Full reports will be posted on the ACS Website as they become available.
Actions of the Council
Election Results: Elected Committees of Council
- By electronic ballot, the Council elected Karl S. Booksh, Mark D. Frishberg, Zaida C. Morales Martinez, and Linette M. Watkins for three-year terms (2018-2020), and Ella L. Davis for a one-year term (2018) on the Council Policy Committee (CPC).
*Karl S. Booksh 209
James C. Carver 180
Dwight W. Chasar 150
*Ella L. Davis 203
*Mark D. Frishberg 207
Lydia E.M. Hines 165
Will E. Lynch 190
*Zaida C. Morales Martinez 215
Barbara P. Sitzman 150
*Linette M. Watkins 260
- By electronic ballot, the Council elected Michael Appell, Neil D. Jespersen, Mamie W. Moy, Eleanor D. Siebert, and Julianne M.D. Smist for three-year terms (2018-2020) on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E).
Anthony W. Addison 159
Joe D. Allison 103
*Michael Appell 165
Mark A. Benvenuto 149
Arindam Bose 140
*Neil D. Jespersen 237
*Mamie W. Moy 269
*Eleanor D. Siebert 252
*Julianne M.D. Smist 228
Keith R. Vitense 134
- By electronic ballot, the Council elected Mitchell R. M. Bruce, Jetty Duffy-Matzner, Martha G. Hollomon, Diane Krone, and Robert A. Pribush for three-year terms (2018-2020) on the Committee on Committees (ConC).
*Mitchell R. M. Bruce 225
*Jetty Duffy-Matzner 223
Rick Ewing 177
Barbara R. Hillery 115
*Martha G. Hollomon 187
Judith M. Iriarte-Gross 163
Russell W. Johnson 123
*Diane Krone 192
*Robert A. Pribush 227
Susan M. Schelble 184
Other Council Actions
Amendments to the ACS Bylaws
- A recommendation by the Committee on Membership Affairs that Council approve the Petition on International Chemical Sciences Chapters narrowly failed to achieve the two-thirds majority required to amend the Bylaws. The proposal would have amended Bylaw IX, Section 4, to permit financial support for International Chemical Sciences Chapters and to remove language from the Bylaws prohibiting Chapters from having representation on Council.
Probationary Division of Space Chemistry
- The Council defeated a proposal from the Committee on Divisional Activities that it establish a probationary Division of Space Chemistry, effective January 1, 2018.
Change in Local Section Territory
- On the recommendation of the Committee on Local Section Activities, the Council approved a petition from the South Jersey Local Section to annex the unassigned and adjacent territory of Ocean County, New Jersey.
- The Council passed resolutions in memory of deceased Councilors; acknowledging President Allison A. Campbell’s service as presiding officer of the Council; and in gratitude for the officers and members of the Chemical Society of Washington, the host Section for the 254th National Meeting, the divisional program chairs and symposium organizers, and ACS staff.
Highlights from Committee Reports
Nominations and Elections
The Committee on Nominations and Elections solicits Councilors’ input of qualified individuals for President-Elect and/or Directors for future consideration. Suggestions may be sent to
Ballots for the 2017 fall national election will be distributed on September 29, with a voting deadline four weeks later, on October 27. In a change of procedures, all members with an email address on file and eligible to vote will receive an electronic ballot with the option to request a paper ballot. Those members with no email address on file will be sent a paper ballot with the option to still vote electronically. The ACS election vendor, Survey & Ballot Systems, will send three email reminders during the voting period to those who have not voted as of the reminder date.
Budget and Finance
The Society’s 2017 Probable 1 Projection calls for a Net from Operations of $25.3 million. This is $2.1 million favorable to the Approved Budget and $1.6 million higher than 2016. Total revenues are projected to be $553.0 million, which is $2.4 million unfavorable to the budget, but 5.0% higher than the prior year. Total expenses are projected at $527.6 million, which is $4.5 million favorable to the budget, and 4.9% higher than 2016.
The Committee considered several program funding requests for 2018, and on its recommendations, the Board subsequently approved funding for the ACS Online Course in Laboratory Safety and the New Faculty Workshop Series for inclusion in the 2018 Proposed Budget and the 2019-2020 Forecast.
Additional information can be found at, at the bottom of the page, click ‘About ACS’, then ‘Financial’. There you will find several years of the Society’s audited financial statements and IRS 990 filings.
Washington Meeting Attendance
The theme of the 254th ACS National Meeting was “Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy.” As of Tuesday evening, August 22, attendance was:
Attendees 7,938
Students 2,997
Exhibitors 1, 068
Expo only 475
Guest 426
Total 12,904
Petitions to Amend the Constitution and Bylaws
New petitions to amend the Constitution or Bylaws must be received by the Executive Director no later than November 29 to be included in the Council agenda for consideration at the spring 2018 meeting in New Orleans. Contact the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws with any questions or requests for information at
Actions of the Board of Directors
The Board’s Executive Session
At this meeting, the ACS Board of Directors considered a number of key strategic issues and responded with several actions.
The Board’s Committees
The Board of Directors received and discussed reports from its committees on the Petroleum Research Fund, Strategic Planning, Corporation Associates, Executive Compensation, Professional and Member Relations, the Society Committee on Budget and Finance, the ACS Governing Board for Publishing, and the Joint Board-Council Task Force on Governance Design.
- On the recommendation of the Committee on Professional and Member Relations, the Board voted to approve the Society’s nominees for the 2018 Perkin Medal, and the 2018 National Science Board Public Service Award.
- On the recommendation of the Joint Board-Council Committee on Publications and an Editor Selection Committee, the Board voted to approve the appointment and reappointment of several editors-in-chief for ACS journals.
- On the recommendation of the Society Committee on Budget and Finance, the Board voted to approve the advance member registration fee for national meetings held in 2018 at $475; and to authorize two new program funding requests: an ACS Online Course in Laboratory Safety, and a New Faculty Workshop Series.
The Executive Director/CEO Report
- The Executive Director/CEO and his direct reports provided updates to the Board on the activities of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and the ACS Publications Division. He offered current and proposed strategies to increase membership in the Society; reported on safety initiatives, resources and security; and provided an update on the Atlantic Basin Conference on Chemistry (ABCChem) scheduled for January 2018. As part of his report, he invited the Treasurer to brief the Board on the Enterprise Financial Systems Program (EFSP), which is unifying several financial operations for Society staff; the Financial Planning Conference in early November; and ACS Development Activities.
Other Society Business
- The Board held discussions with members of the Presidential Succession on their current activities and those planned for 2018.
- The Board also held a discussion with officers and members of the board of directors of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) on what governance participation might look like at the organizations’ annual meetings, possible meetings between ACS and NOBCChE at the ACS Leadership Institute, dual membership between both organizations, strategic alliances of student chapters at the local section and regional levels, and ACS Board participation at NOBCChE Annual Conferences.
The Board’s Regular Session
The Board held a well-attended regular session which featured a discussion on the role ACS and its members play in advocating for adoption of important public policy priorities to foster scientific advancement and innovation. Mr. Glenn Ruskin, Director, External Affairs & Communications in the Office of the Secretary and General Counsel, and Mr. Anthony Pitagno, Director of Government Affairs and Outreach, External Affairs & Communications, spoke about the critically important role federal investment in basic research plays in driving U.S. innovation, job creation and economic growth. A question and answer session followed the presentation, first with the presenters, and then with the Board for general concerns and comments.
Prior to the presentation, members of the presidential succession and the Executive Director and CEO offered brief reports on their activities. The officers provided more extensive reports on their activities and/or future plans as part of their written and oral reports to the Council.
The following is a list of URLs and email addresses for supplemental information presented in reports at the Council meeting.
Allison A. Campbell, President
Peter K. Dorhout, President-Elect
Donna J. Nelson, Immediate Past President
ACS Offices
Office of the Executive Director & CEO
Office of the Secretary & General Counsel
Budget and Finance à About ACS à Financial
Chemical Abstracts
Chemical Safety
Safety in Academic Chemical Laboratories:
Constitution and Bylaws
Governing Documents:
Economic and Professional Affairs
Work-related Visa Working Group:
International Activities
Asia-Pacific International Chapters Conference:
Local Section Activities
Minority Affairs
Donate to ACS Scholars:
Social Media:
Nominations and Elections
Younger Chemists Committee
Catalyze the Vote:
International Younger Chemists:
Advocacy Toolkit (President):
Online Information for Councilors
Councilor Talking Points is produced by the Office of Secretary & General Counsel
Permission is granted to distribute in whole or part.
Please direct all comments and questions to: