2018 Boston

American Chemical Society
256th ACS National Meeting

Boston, Massachusetts August 19-23, 2018

Councilor Talking Points (pdf report):
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

The following summary is provided to help Councilors report to their Local Sections and Divisions 
on key actions of the ACS Council meeting held August 22, 2018, and the Board of Directors meetings 
held August 17-19, 2018, at the 2018 ACS fall national meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Full 
reports are posted on the ACS Website as they become available.

Actions of the Council

Election Results:  Elected Committees of Council

■     By electronic ballot, the Council elected Ella L. Davis, Lissa A. Dulany, Lisa Houston, and 
Martin D. Rudd for three-year terms (2019-2021), and Will E. Lynch for a one-year term (2019) on the 
Council Policy Committee (CPC).

Lawrence J. Berliner         103 

Michelle V. Buchanan       185

Alan B. Cooper                 191
*Ella L. Davis                    196
*Lissa A. Dulany               201

Lydia E. M. Hines             194
*Lisa Houston                  231
*Will E. Lynch                   195
*Martin D. Rudd              220
Barbara P. Sitzman          163

•     By electronic ballot, the Council elected Allison Aldridge, Christopher J. Bannochie, Mary K. 
Engelman, Silvia Ronco, and Frankie K. Wood-Black for three-year terms (2019-2021) on the Committee 
on Nominations and Elections (N&E).

*Allison Aldridge                            216
*Christopher J. Bannochie            228
*Mary K. Engelman                       222
Kenneth P. Fivizzani                     162
Anne M. Gaffney                          187

David S. Gottfried                        136
James M. Landis                         189
R. Daniel Libby                            135
*Silvia Ronco                               206
*Frankie K. Wood-Black              220

•     By electronic ballot, the Council elected Rodney M. Bennett, Jacqueline A. Erickson, Judith 
M. Iriarte-Gross, Donivan R. Porterfield, and Carolyn Ribes for three-year terms (2019-2021) on the 
Committee on Committees (ConC).

*Rodney M. Bennett                       189
Richard S. Danchik                           92
*Jacqueline A. Erickson                  217
Rick Ewing                                      176
*Judith M. Iriarte-Gross                   214

Russell W. Johnson                        114
*Donivan R. Porterfield                   206
*Carolyn Ribes                               328
Frank Romano                               171
Peter Zarras                                   119

Other Council Actions

Amendments to the ACS Bylaws
■     A recommendation by the Committee on Membership Affairs that Council approve the Petition on 
International Chemical Sciences Chapters achieved the two-thirds majority required to amend Bylaw 
XI, Section 3 accordingly (additions underlined; deletions struck through):

Affiliations of SOCIETY Local Sections or Divisions shall become effective upon authorization by 
their governing body, approval by their respective Council committees governing Local Sections and 
Divisions, and by confirmation by the Council Committee on Constitution and Bylaws acting for the 
Council, that the provisions of Section 1 of this Bylaw are met.

The changes will become effective upon confirmation by the Board of Directors.

■     A recommendation by the Committee on Membership Affairs that Council approve the Petition on 
International Chemical Sciences Chapters achieved the two-thirds majority required to amend Bylaw 
IX, Section 4 accordingly (additions underlined; deletions struck through):

An International Chemical Sciences Chapter shall receive no allotment of funds from the SOCIETY and 
shall not be entitled to elected representation on the Council. A Chapter may assess its members 
local Chapter dues to be expended for its own purposes in harmony with the objects of the SOCIETY.

The changes will become effective upon confirmation by the Board of Directors.

American Chemical Society

Councilor Talking Points and
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

Continuation of Committee

■     On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees, and the concurrence of the Council 
Policy Committee, Council approved the continuation of the Committee on Chemical Safety, subject to 
concurrence by the Board of Directors.


The Council passed resolutions
■      in memory of deceased Councilors;
■     congratulating ACS Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer Brian A. Bernstein on the occasion 
of his retirement after nearly 40 years of service to the Society (34 as ACS Treasurer);
■     in gratitude for the officers and members of the Northeastern Section, host Section for the 
256th National Meeting, the divisional program chairs and symposium organizers, and ACS staff; and
■     acknowledging Peter K. Dorhout’s service as ACS President and presiding officer of the 

Special Discussion

President Dorhout introduced and led a special discussion on what role(s) ACS should play in 
preventing sexual harassment in the sciences.  He highlighted several recent articles, workshops 
and studies that have called attention to the issue, notably  a symposium, “Science of Sexual 
Harassment” organized during the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans (Spring 2018) by the Women 
Chemists Committee and Chemical & Engineering News; and a National Academies of Sciences, 
Engineering, and Medicine consensus study report: “Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, 
and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine” (2018). He directed Council’s 
attention to existing ACS codes and initiatives to address sexual harassment, and offered items for 
discussion and possible action:

•     More signs/information at National Meetings regarding our policies and supporting information
•     Trained volunteers at national meetings for reporting sexual harassment
•     A webinar on preventing sexual harassment for local sections or divisions

To further inform the discussion and Councilor input, a brief survey was conducted using the 
audience electronic response system.  The results of the survey are listed below. The ACS 
Volunteer/National Meeting Attendee Conduct Policy was in the Council Agenda, and can be found 
online at [http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/about/governance/councilors.html]  A summary of the 
discussion and additional information will be sent to Councilors at a later time.

Have you ever witnessed or experienced sexual harassment at an ACS meeting or ACS event?
(413 responses)
Yes        23% (94)                            No         77% (319)

American Chemical Society                                                                           

Councilor Talking Points and
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

Have you ever witnessed or experienced sexual harassment at an ACS meeting or ACS event, or in your 
professional workplace or learning environment? (182 women / 223 men responded)
Women                             Men
Yes        77% (141)                         57% (127)
No         23% (41)                            43% (96)

How familiar are you with the ACS Codes and initiatives for professional conduct? (417 responses)
Very Familiar                    38% (157)
Vaguely Familiar              46% (192)
Not Familiar                     16% (68)

Has your local section or division instituted a sexual harassment policy of its own? (419 
Yes                       3% (12)
No                        73% (309)
Don’t Know        23% (98)

Highlights from Committee Reports

Nominations and Elections

The Committee on Nominations and Elections solicits Councilors’ input of qualified individuals for 
President-Elect and/or Directors for future consideration. Suggestions can be sent to 

Ballots for the 2018 fall national election will be distributed October 1-3, with a voting deadline 
four weeks later, on October 31. ACS members eligible to vote and with an email address on file 
will receive an electronic ballot with the option to request a paper ballot. Those members with no 
email address on file will be sent a paper ballot but with the option to vote electronically. The 
ACS election vendor, Survey & Ballot Systems, will send three email reminders during the voting 
period to those who have not voted as of the reminder date.

Budget and Finance

The Society’s 2018 Probable 1 Projection calls for a Net from Operations of $31.8 million. This is 
$1.3 million favorable to the Approved Budget.  Total revenues are projected to be $565.1 million, 
which is
$5.7 million or 1.0% favorable to the Budget. Total expenses are projected at $553.3 million, which 
is $4.4 million or 0.8% unfavorable to the Budget.

The Committee considered one 2019 program funding reauthorization request, and on its 
recommendation, the Board subsequently approved funding the ACS Festival Series for inclusion in 
the 2019 Proposed Budget and the 2020-2021 Forecast Budgets.

The Society is expected to end the year in compliance with each of the five Board-established 
financial guidelines. Additional information can be found at www.acs.org, at the bottom of the 
page, click ‘About ACS’, then ‘Financial’.

American Chemical Society                                                                           

Councilor Talking Points and
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

Boston Meeting Attendance

The theme of the 256th ACS National Meeting was “Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, and Beyond.” As of 
Tuesday evening, August 21, attendance was:

Attendees                 8294
Students                   3671
Exhibitors                  1181
Expo only                   576
Guest                         513
Total                      14,235

Membership Affairs

As of August 21, ACS had 149,584 members, which is a decline of only eight-tenths of one percent 
from the over 150,000 members in 2017.  This year-to-date figure represents an increase of over 
1,200 members when compared to the last two years.  It was noted that five of last seven months 
have been respectively the best months for membership since at least 2014.  The current membership 
count positions ACS for a strong close to the year, and there is cautious optimism that total 
membership will rise for the first time since 2011.

Petitions to Amend the Constitution and Bylaws

New petitions to amend the Constitution or Bylaws must be received by the Executive Director & CEO 
no later than December 12 to be included in the Council agenda for consideration at the spring 2019 
meeting in Orlando. Contact the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws with any questions or requests 
for information at bylaws@acs.org

Actions of the Board of Directors
The Board’s Executive Session

At this meeting, the ACS Board of Directors focused on a number of key strategic issues and took 
several related actions.

The Board’s Committees

The Board of Directors received and discussed reports from its committees on Corporation 
Associates, Professional and Member Relations, Executive Compensation, the Governing Board for 
Publishing, and the Society Committee on Budget and Finance.  On the basis of those reports and 
with regard to the Board’s strategic vision for the Society:

•       The Board approved, on the recommendation of the Committee on Professional and Member 
Relations, the Society’s nominees for the 2019 Perkin Medal and the 2019 National Science Board 
Public Service Award.

American Chemical Society                                                                           

Councilor Talking Points and
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

•       The Board voted to approve the appointments or reappointments of several editors-in-chief 
for ACS journals as recommended by the Joint Board-Council Committee on Publications and Editor 
Selection Committees. Information about those appointments will appear in C&EN once the individuals 
concerned have been notified.

•       In light of the recent financial performance of the technical-meeting component of our 
national meetings, the Board voted to approve an advance member registration fee of only $490 for 
national meetings held in 2019 (i.e., the current advance member registration fee escalated to 
account for inflation only); to reauthorize a program funding request for the Chemistry Festival 
program; and in accordance with past practice, to allocate on a pro-rated basis to qualified ACS 
Divisions any net revenues accrued to the Society from the 2020 and future International Chemical 
Congresses of the Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem).

•       The Board liaison to the Committee on Corporation Associates presented a proposed committee 
Future State Operating Model and considered options for committee member terms and appointment 
processes.  The Board expressed support for the value of industry to ACS and acknowledged 
Corporation Associates as being positioned within the Society to represent the voice of industry to 
the Board and ACS.

•       The Board’s Society Programs global liaison offered an update on efforts to strengthen the 
global presence of Society programs to better serve our international members and the global 
chemistry enterprise. Efforts are underway to clarify and articulate the current state of 
international activities, products, and services; to clarify the challenges associated with 
globalization of existing domestic activities; and to offer recommendations for moving forward. 
Next steps include interviewing key stakeholders, reviewing past efforts, and exploiting existing 
market research with a view toward developing a strategic plan, activities, and timelines for Board 

•       The Board liaison to the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB) provided an update on initial 
efforts geared towards the development of a next-generation ACS Leadership Program.  A small task 
force has been charged with investigating the state of the art in leadership development, assessing 
the future needs of the Society as well as those of individual members and their employers, and 
then proposing, by the end of 2019, a strategic vision for and the specifications of a 
next-generation ACS leadership program focused on 2030 and beyond.

Executive Director and CEO Report

The Board also received an extensive report from the Executive Director and CEO on issues relating 
to Passion for Chemistry and Diversity and Inclusion as core values of the Society, on Membership, 
ACS financial performance, and upcoming events and activities. He reported there has been initial 
success with several initiatives underway to address and reverse the decline in membership. His 
direct reports provided updates to the Board on the activities of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), 
the ACS Publications Division, and the Office of the Secretary and General Counsel. As part of his 
report, he also invited the Executive Vice President for Human Resources to brief the Board on the 
activities, opportunities and challenges of the Human Resources Division.

American Chemical Society                                                                           

Councilor Talking Points and
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

Other Society Business

The Board approved the foundation documents of the newly created endowment for the Henry H. Storch 
Award in Energy Chemistry, which originally was established as a national award in 1964.

As is customary, the Board heard reports from members of the Presidential Succession on their 
current and planned activities for 2018-2019.  Several presidential symposia and events 
incorporating and supporting this national meeting’s theme of “Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & 
Beyond” were highlighted in those reports.

The Board’s Regular Session

The Board held a well-attended regular session on Sunday, August 19, that featured a presentation 
by Nobel Laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart who spoke on transformative research and reviewed his 
contributions in supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognition.  Also, as a Champion of the 
program, he advocated for ACS Project SEED on the 50th Anniversary of the program. Prior to the 
presentation, members of the presidential succession and the Executive Director & CEO offered brief 
reports on their activities. The officers provided more extensive reports on their activities and 
future plans as part of their written and oral reports to the Council.

The following is a list of URLs and email addresses for supplemental information presented in 
reports at the Council meeting.

Peter K. Dorhout, President                                     p.dorhout@acs.org Bonnie A. 
Charpentier, President-Elect                  b.charpentier@acs.org Allison A. Campbell, Immediate 
Past President    a.campbell@acs.org

ACS Offices
Office of Secretary & General Counsel                   secretary@acs.org

Budget and Finance                                                   www.acs.org  ✗ About ACS ✗ 
Financial Information
Chemical Safety                                                          safety@acs.org
Committee on Committees                                      https://www.yellowbook.acs.org
Constitution and Bylaws                                           bylaws@acs.org
Economic and Professional Affairs                          www.acs.org/careerfair careers@acs.org

American Chemical Society                                                                           

Councilor Talking Points and
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions
American Chemical Society                                                                           
Local Section Activities                                              www.acs.org/getinvolved
Minority Affairs                                                           
https://www.chemdiversity.org www.facebook.com/ACS.CMA Twitter @chemdiversity
Nominations and Elections                                       www.acs.org/elections 
Patents and Related Matters                                   Patents@acs.org
Professional Training                                                 cpt@acs.org
Women Chemists                                                       wcc@acs.org
Younger Chemists                                                      #CatalyzeTheVote

Resources on the Web
Yellow Book                                                                 
Highlights of ACS Achievements                              www.acs.org/acshighlights
Governing Documents                                               www.acs.org/bulletin5
Resources on mentoring                                           www.acs.org/grad
Career Consultant Program                                      https://goo.gl/2sppC9 Graduate STEM 
Education for the
21st Century                                                           
www.nationalacademies.org/GradEd Explore Chemistry: Let’s Do Chemistry                  
ACS Guidelines and Recommendations
For Middle & HS Chemistry                                 www.acs.org/mshsguidelines Career 
Consultants                                                    https://goo.gl/2sppC9
Online Information for Councilors
■     Volunteer/National Meeting Attendee Conduct Policy
Councilor Talking Points is produced by the ACS Office of the Secretary & General Counsel 
Permission is hereby granted to distribute in whole or part.
Please direct all comments and questions to:  secretary@acs.org

Council Reports