Harold Schobert
2004 Henry H. Storch Award
Harold Schobert
The Fuel Chemistry Division is pleased to announce the winner of the 2004 Storch Award. Dr. Harold Schobert is Director of the Energy Institute and Professor, Department of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, Penn State University.
The Storch Award is given biennially to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to research in the field of fuel science. This includes research on all aspects of the chemistry and
utilization of all hydrocarbon fuels, with the exception of petroleum. Special consideration is given to innovation and novelty in the use of fuels, characterization of fuels, and advances in fuel chemistry that benefit the public welfare or the environment. The Award includes a $5000 prize and travel expenses to attend the Storch Award Symposium to be held to honor the awardee at a national meeting of the American Chemical Society. The Fuel Chemistry Division would like to express it's appreciation to Professor Schobert for his contributions to fuel science, as well as appreciation for his leadership in the field and his mentorship of students and colleagues over the years.