ENFL Mid-Career Award


Purpose: To recognize sustained and distinguished contributions to the field of energy and fuel chemistry, the American Chemical Society Division of Energy & Fuels establishes this Mid-Career Award.


Nature: The award consists of $1500, a plaque commemorating the award, a half-day symposium and a ticket to the Division dinner.


Establishment and Support: The award was established in 2021, with the first award given in 2022.


Rules of Eligibility: The intention of the award is to recognize and encourage scientists who are midway into their careers, and normally with no more than 10-25 years after his/her last degree or Post Doc. The award is based both on the research record and service to the division/profession of the nominee. Nominations may be carried forward for up to three years of eligibility.


Outstanding research record: Outstanding research record could be achieved via excellence in basic or applied research, publications or patents, commercialization of new technologies, and reputation in the area. Professional record will count for 70% of the selection criteria.

Contributions to the Division: Outstanding Service to the ACS Energy & Fuels Division could include, but is not limited to, services to the division, contributions to governance; publications (editor, assistant or associate editor); meetings (organization of symposia or major presentations), etc. Presentations in ENFL symposium count towards service in the Division. Presentations cannot be the only contribution towards service. Service will count as 30% of the selection criteria.

Member in good standing of the Division: Nominees must be current members in good standing of the American Chemical Society and Energy and Fuels Division. Former members will not be considered as nominees.

Nominations are due September 15th to the ENFL Chair, Allan Chaffee (alan.chaffee@monash.edu). Nomination package includes a nomination form, a two- page CV, and two to three letters of support. Letters of recommendation are important in the selection of the award recipient. They should provide specific and sufficient information on the applicant’s contributions in both areas.


2022  Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park

2023  Michelle Kidder

2024  jingbo Louise Liu