Wei Wang
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Wei Wang has been selected for the 2021 Emerging Researcher Award. Dr. Wang is the director of the Energy Storage Materials Initiative, at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to fundamentally transform the energy material R&D through a physics-informed data-driven approach. He also serves as the chief scientist and technical lead on stationary energy storage R&D at PNNL with a primary focus on the development of advanced redox flow battery technologies and electrolyte solvation chemistry study. He has published more than 80 papers and was named Clarivate 1% Highly Cited Researchers in 2018. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the US EPA Green Chemistry Challenge Award, FLC Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, and R&D 100 Award. He is a Battelle Distinguished Inventor with over 16 patents and multiple patent licenses. Dr. Wang is the co-founder of the International Coalition for Energy Storage. The award will be presented in the Spring ACS Meeting 2022.